Purpose built to protect your locally-stored business documents, Documents Backup eliminates objections around the cost and complexity of backing up all of businesses PCs and laptops. Both incredibly affordable and deployable in minutes, backing up automatically with cloud-based, self-service recovery, users can recover their key documents anytime... anywhere.
Many employees keep working copies or even final versions of business documents on their local machines. The loss of a document can mean a loss of time as it's re-created or worse if that document is lost completely. TheTechworx.com Documents Backup deploys automatically, finds business documents automatically and than backs them up twice a day, automatically
End user self-service means that end users can easily recover documents temporarily lost due to accident, ransomware or hardware failure.
70 percent of customer workstations are not backed up. Save your work, protect critical business documents.
- Zero Configuration
- Incredibly affordable: Purpose-built to deliver low Total Cost of Ownership
- Auto deployment: Deployed to each workstation automatically, no configuration required.
- Finds your documents: Automatically finds all business documents, spreadsheets, presentations and word processing files on your local hard drives.
- Auto-backup: Documents are backed up twice a day automatically.
- 28 days of safety: All documents are held for 28 days. Easily choose from 56 different backup versions to recover. Save hassle.
- End User self-service: End users log in to search, surf or pick the documents they need to recover.
- No Limits: Unlimited documents, unlimited document size